Couple claims organ amputation an error
Medical errors have made many headlines in the past year. In some cases, defendants are able to receive compensation for their injuries or losses. These can result from many situations including medication errors, missed or incorrect diagnoses, problems occurring during births and more. Surgical errors are another common form of medical malpractice that Pennsylvania patients can face. A single surgeon mistake can result in sometimes extreme situations.
A couple in Alabama have recently initiated a lawsuit against multiple parties for what they assert is a serious injury involving organ damage. Five different defendants have been identified in the case. These involve two different physicians, a urology practice, another medical practice and Princeton Baptist Medical Center in Birmingham.
According to reports, the couple claims that the husband was admitted to the hospital to undergo a circumcision but what actually transpired was far more. The lawsuit alleges that the husband’s entire penis was removed. The hospital has stated its belief that the claim is not valid. It is unknown if the plaintiffs belief there was an improper use of medical equipment involved. Also unknown at this time is the dollar amount of damages being sought by the pair. The basis for the claim is the pain experienced by both the husband and the wife.
Many factors can affect a potential medical error and any resulting legal claim. Victims of a surgical error or other form of malpractice could potentially benefit from a consultation with an experienced lawyer to learn what their options are after such an experience.
Source: The Huffington Post, “Hospital Sued For Amputating Penis During Circumcision,” July 24, 2014