Brain Injuries

Women more prone to memory problems after traumatic brain injury

Traumatic brain injuries can occur as a result of serious accidents. These accidents can range from a slip-and-fall at the local grocery store to a car accident on a busy Pittsburgh highway. While not all traumatic brain injuries are severe, even a relatively mild one can have long-lasting consequences. A majority of people who suffer… read more

Premature brain aging may be result of traumatic brain injury

For many years, Pittsburgh medical professionals have informed us of the damage caused by traumatic brain injuries. Traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs, are often suffered as a result of car accidents, falls, and various athletic activities. The effects of TBIs depend on the severity of the injury. Mild TBIs could involve brief unconsciousness, changes in… read more

Traumatic brain injuries can have long-lasting impact on life

For those who have suffered a traumatic brain injury, March is a special month, as it is National Brain Injury Awareness Month. According to, traumatic brain injuries are responsible for more than 50,000 deaths a year. For people between the ages of 1 and 44, traumatic brain injury is the leading cause of death… read more

Traumatic brain injuries and the tragic consequences

A traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is typically caused by a blow to the head that interferes with normal brain activity. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 40 percent of these injuries from 2006 to 2010 were caused by falls, but many were also caused by assaults, motor vehicle accidents and being… read more

New safety measures in place to help prevent brain injuries

Traumatic brain injuries or TBIs, could be suffered in a motor vehicle accident as well as by a collision on the football field. Pittsburgh football players at every level face the risk of suffering a TBI every time they step out on to the field. On average, research shows that professional players will get hit… read more

What are traumatic brain injuries and how are they treated?

Every year, many Pittsburgh car and truck accidents lead to severe injuries and even death. Some of the most serious injuries involve traumatic injury to the brain. When an accident occurs, drivers and passengers may suffer from a traumatic brain injury. This type of injury typically occurs when a person’s head violently strikes an object… read more

Football-related brain injuries means trouble for the NFL

Sports fans everywhere are well aware of the NFL’s recent legal battles involving players who suffered concussions while playing football. A recent study examined 79 former players and discovered that 76 of these players had a degenerative brain disease. The study indicates that the occurrence of chronic traumatic encephalopathy has more than doubled. CTE can… read more

Brain injuries can have a long-lasting impact on families

One of the most devastating things that can occur as a result of a car accident is a traumatic brain injury. Traumatic brain injuries can be caused by various other types of accidents as well, including work injuries. The brain can be injured as a result of external trauma or internal conditions. These internal conditions… read more

Woman suffers head injury and dies after pedestrian accident

Injuries from car accidents can include anything from mild contusions to severe head trauma. Those who suffer injuries to the head can experience severe headaches, dizziness, loss of consciousness, paralysis, and tragically, even death. One woman who was recently involved in an accident in Franklin Park suffered from blunt force injuries to her head, which… read more

Fatal dresser accident highlights danger of household products

The recent incident in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, where two young children were tragically killed when a large piece of furniture fell over on them highlights the dangers of many seemingly safe household products. Our office is quite aware of this type of danger from the well known defective product case we handled a few years ago against… read more