Brain Injuries

Shortened life span may be result for brain injury victims

The impact of a traumatic brain injury is something that all Pennsylvania residents should be aware of. Brain trauma can result from many different situations including sports injuries, car accidents or falls that happen at work, when recreating and in other situations. The need to seek proper and prompt treatment for any form of brain… read more

Effects of brain injury are long lasting, widespread

When someone is involved in a car accident and breaks his or her leg, the prognosis is fairly clear. Unless something drastic happens, the injured victim will likely recover and not face many long-term medical conditions because of the broken leg. With a brain injury, however, the immediate recovery is only part of what could… read more

Pennsylvania lawsuit won over brain injury in baby boy

Most people do not have the means to treat their own medical needs. Pennsylvania families need to be able to trust medical professionals when they or someone they love needs care. Unfortunately, physicians and other caregivers can make mistakes and the results can be catastrophic. Sometimes these mistakes may even cause a traumatic brain injury… read more

New helmets can lessen chances of brain injury for athletes

There has been a lot of media coverage on sports injuries in recent months—specifically concussions and other brain injuries. A number of professional and collegiate athletes have filed lawsuits claiming that more should have been done both on and off the field to protect them from traumatic brain injury during the course of their play…. read more

Doctor shortage could delay treatment for brain injuries, more in ER

Most people in Pittsburgh expect that when they go to the emergency room seeking medical treatment, they will get the best care possible. Yet, that is not always the case. There are any number of things that could prevent physicians from properly diagnose and treat certain conditions. Lack of communication during shift changes, taking shortcuts… read more

Worldwide study aims to diagnose brain injuries more accurately

Every brain injury is unique, making it difficult to diagnose accurately. Some symptoms appear immediately after the injury, but others aren’t noticeable for days or even weeks. Medical professionals participating in an international study are trying to find better ways to assess brain trauma and classify all of its variations. Approximately 2 percent of the… read more

iPad app being tested in area school to better manage concussions

In a recent post we touched on the importance of young athletes being treated and diagnosed properly when they suffer a concussion while participating in sports programs. If medical professionals clear them to play before they are physically ready or the level of their injuries are misdiagnosed, it can cause even more serious brain trauma… read more

Lawsuit seeks medical fund for former collegiate players

There have been a lot of reports recently surrounding the effects of head injuries suffered by NFL players. Most people now know that repeated collisions and tackles can cause severe concussions, which can lead to permanent disabilities later in life. This is something that medical professionals have known for quite some time. Another high profile… read more