Brain Injuries

Woman feels paralysis was caused by inadequate treatment

In order for new treatments to be developed and tested for current diseases and illnesses, researchers may be asked to spend several years trying their techniques and medications on thousands of patients to ensure that the treatment is safe and effective at treating the problem. Before a person can be involved in a research study… read more

Child with Cerebral Palsy after stroke in utero defies odds

When a woman in Pennsylvania is pregnant, it may be important for her to have regular monitoring of the baby and regular doctor appointments to ensure the baby is developing correctly and that there are not any serious problems with either the baby’s health or the health of the mother. Without proper monitoring, birth injuries… read more

Woman claims in lawsuit that slow response led to injuries

During a surgery, doctors and other health care professionals in Pennsylvania may closely monitor a patient to determine if there are unforeseen complications with the surgery. If a problem arises, it may be necessary to quickly start procedures to repair the issue before the person suffers a serious brain injury or other complications. There may… read more

Family of brain damaged girl awarded money from hospital

Most people understand how easy it is to miscommunicate a small piece of information, but aren’t always likely to deal with devastating results from missing a simple word or phrase from another person. This may not be the case with health care professionals in Pennsylvania, who may need to have the ability to strongly communicate… read more

Musical performance may have led to brain injury

The Billboard Music Award Show is an event honoring the bestselling musical artists in the United States. Awards are given out in several different categories based on chart performance, number of downloads, and airplay. The awards show also features performances by popular musicians. The evening is supposed to be a fun celebration for music insiders… read more

Researchers looking for exclusions to consent rule in study

When a patient is brought to a hospital in Pennsylvania with a brain injury, doctors immediately begin treatment to minimize the damage to the rest of the brain and the body. After a traumatic brain injury, serious damage to the brain can begin immediately if the right treatments are not used quickly.  Treatments and drugs… read more

Hospital sued after endoscopy results in brain injury

When it comes to patient care, medical professionals must always be vigilant. There is no room for error on the job. If they fail to provide the best care for their patients, serious injuries or death may occur. When this happens in California, the medical facility may be sued. A young woman was recently taken… read more

Incubation mistake results in brain damage for 19-year old man

A 19-year old patient was admitted to the hospital after being struck in the jaw by a stray bullet. The doctors then apparently decided to perform surgery, though they were informed that the patient’s airway passage was still partially swollen and obstructed. However, since it has been alleged that the anesthesiologist did not follow proper procedures… read more

Teenage girl dies during wisdom tooth procedure

A 17-year old girl underwent wisdom teeth surgery, went into a coma and then died 10 days later. It is believed that the young girl’s brain was deprived of oxygen at the time that the surgery was going on and this resulted in the teenager suffering from brain damage. The girl’s mother has since filed… read more

Surgical procedure apparently led to brain injury

Many brain injury cases that are a result of errors occurring during surgical procedures. One such case has now led to a $1.9 million verdict for the widow of a man that died three days after surgery – presumably due to brain damage suffered as a result of errors that occurred during the procedure. During… read more