Failure to Diagnose
Posted on Aug. 13th, 2017 | in Failure to Diagnose, News
Why too many doctors are getting it wrong. When cancer is waging a war on a person’s body and they’re doing everything possible to fight it, a prompt and accurate diagnosis can literally be the difference between life and death. So why do doctors continue to miss important warning signs and fail to properly diagnose… read more
Posted on Aug. 7th, 2014 | in Failure to Diagnose, News
The laws governing instances of medical malpractice can vary greatly from state to state. From damage award caps to statutes of limitations and more, many nuances exist in this area of law. Pennsylvania residents who have been affected by a failure to diagnose a condition can be left with lifelong damage as a result. In… read more
Posted on Aug. 2nd, 2014 | in Failure to Diagnose, News
Pennsylvania residents are logically concerned about the safety of their healthcare. Reports about various medical errors seem to abound regularly in the media. From medication errors to a failure to diagnose, the range of negligent actions and associated injuries is great. Certainly for victims, the impact of any instances of medical malpractice can be severe… read more
Posted on Jul. 25th, 2014 | in Failure to Diagnose, News
Medical malpractice is a highly complex area of law and ethics in America today. In Pennsylvania and throughout the other 49 states, laws vary dramatically with changes happening frequently. Many situations or actions can constitute a medical error such as instruments or other objects being left inside patients’ bodies after surgeries or providing unnecessary treatments… read more
Posted on Jul. 17th, 2014 | in Failure to Diagnose, News
News of medical errors can be all-too easy to find these days. In Pennsylvania and around the nation, more and more reports are published detailing injuries that resulted from medication errors, items left inside patients’ bodies after surgeries and more. Some situations involve a failure to diagnose problems accurately in time to properly address them…. read more
Posted on Jul. 15th, 2014 | in Failure to Diagnose, News
With the recent publication of statistics indicating that medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States, concerns about becoming victims of malpractice are logical among Pennsylvania residents. Such errors can take many forms and involve medications, surgeries and more. The failure to diagnose cancer when evident in early stages is… read more
Posted on Jun. 14th, 2014 | in Failure to Diagnose, News
Personal injuries can result from many different errors in medical treatment. Pennsylvania residents can be the victims of a surgical mishap or an incorrect medication being dispensed. They can also be subject to the failure to diagnose cancer or another serious condition. Sometimes, medical errors can even occur in part due to poor administrative practices… read more
Posted on Jun. 6th, 2014 | in Failure to Diagnose, News
Pennsylvania residents should be able to seek medical care and know that they can trust those who deliver the care. Sadly, however, the risk of a medical error always exists. Cases of malpractice can sometimes be easily remedied but other times can lead to very serious consequences and even the death of a patient. In… read more
Posted on Jun. 4th, 2014 | in Failure to Diagnose, News
Medical malpractice can take many forms and occur in a myriad of situations for Pennsylvania residents. Pharmaceutical errors can involve pharmacy staff, physicians or even drug manufacturers. Surgical errors can happen in hospitals or in out-patient clinics. A failure to diagnose can leave a patient searching for far too long to the true reason for… read more
Posted on Jun. 1st, 2014 | in Failure to Diagnose, News
Problems with diagnoses are known to be among some of the most common in the realm of medical malpractice cases for Pennsylvania patients. Whether an incorrect diagnosis or a failure to diagnose a problem altogether, the risk of such medical errors can be great. Serious injury and even death can result from such actions, or… read more