
NASCAR driver faces wrongful death suit after tragic accident

When a fatal car accident occurs, both criminal and civil charges may be filed against all responsible parties. Even when criminal charges are dropped, the family of the victim may still proceed with their wrongful death suit in civil court and may recover damages from the driver responsible for the accident. NASCAR driver Tony Stewart… read more

Drunk driving is a major cause of fatal car accidents nationwide

It comes as no surprise that thousands of Americans, including Pennsylvanians, are killed every year in drunk driving accidents. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that over 10,000 people in the United States were killed in accidents involving a driver who was under the influence of alcohol. Studies have shown that one-third of… read more

What are the main causes of plane crashes?

Over the past couple of years, mysterious plane crashes have captured the attention of Pennsylvanians. Recently, the remains of a Boeing 777 were found in the West Indian Ocean. It appears that these remains are those of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370, the flight that disappeared over a year ago with 239 people on board.What causes… read more

New truck regulations could increase Pennsylvania accidents

In 2014, over 6,600 large trucks were involved in both fatal and non-fatal accidents in Pennsylvania. Out of those 6,600, nearly 450 of them occurred in Alleghany County. These numbers are considerably higher than the last couple of years. According to data from the Federal Motor Carrier Administration, there was a 69 percent increase in… read more

Pennsylvania widow to file suit over fatal car accident

Fatal car accidents leave the victim’s families in Pennsylvania and elsewhere struggling to hold on. On top of their emotional grief, families will often have never-ending medical bills, funeral costs and other expenses to worry about. However, wrongful death lawsuits may make the coping process a little bit easier for grieving families. According to recent… read more

Traumatic brain injuries impact millions of people each year

Traumatic brain injuries or TBIs impact millions of people in the United States. In fact, approximately 1.7 million deaths, emergency department visits and hospitalizations are related to these types of injuries. Pittsburgh residents suffer from TBIs as a result of many different types of accidents. Any trauma to the head or neck, whether it occurs… read more

Pittsburgh family files wrongful death suit after death of inmate

No matter the environment an individual is in, when he or she is experiencing health problems, it is presumed that proper steps will be taken by medical professionals. Even in situations where a patient is in jail or prison, employees of the institution are required to take appropriate steps to ensure proper medical treatment of… read more

What should I do after a car accident?

It is no surprise that Pittsburgh car accidents can result in serious injuries or death. Many of us will be involved in at least one car accident in our lifetimes, so it is important to know what steps to take following automobile accidents.First, you should always make sure that you stay at the scene of… read more

Brain injury victims have an assertive ally in Pittsburgh

For accident victims suffering from brain injuries, returning to life as they knew it before can prove extremely difficult. The brain is the most vital organ in the body and when it doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to, a person may struggle with things that used to come easily. Traumatic brain injuries occur as… read more

Distracted flying a serious form of pilot negligence

We’ve all heard that distracted driving is a major cause of car accidents these days. A large number of people have cell phones and other handheld devices that keep them from focusing on the road. As a result, approximately 3,154 people were killed and 424,000 people were injured in 2013 car crashes involving distracted driving…. read more