
Traumatic brain injuries and the tragic consequences

A traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is typically caused by a blow to the head that interferes with normal brain activity. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 40 percent of these injuries from 2006 to 2010 were caused by falls, but many were also caused by assaults, motor vehicle accidents and being… read more

Winter weather can cause devastating car accidents

With the treacherous winter weather conditions of the past month, many Pittsburgh families have been involved in accidents on the road. The icy roads have caused a number of car accidents, many of which resulted in serious injuries and tragically even fatalities. While the weather can contribute to these accidents, many accidents are caused by… read more

Truck drivers responsible for many accidents on the road

While all road accidents can be have tragic results, those involving commercial trucks can be particularly devastating. Trucks are harder to control and therefore harder to stop than other vehicles due to their large size and heavy weight. When a 50,000-pound truck crashes into a small passenger vehicle, the damages are likely to be severe…. read more

17 Car pileup on Interstate 80 leaves 2 dead, injures 30

A horrific 17-car pileup on Interstate 80 this afternoon in Clarion County left two people dead and injured at least thirty more. It has been reported that the visibility was nearly zero after back-to-back white out snow squalls from Lake Effect snow. Car accidents like this must be thoroughly investigated so that all parties involved… read more

New safety measures in place to help prevent brain injuries

Traumatic brain injuries or TBIs, could be suffered in a motor vehicle accident as well as by a collision on the football field. Pittsburgh football players at every level face the risk of suffering a TBI every time they step out on to the field. On average, research shows that professional players will get hit… read more

How safe are trucks on Pennsylvania roadways?

Truck accidents on the Pittsburgh roadways have unfortunately become all too common. Since 2009, 14,000 people have died as a result of big-rig truck accidents. Accident rates vary between states due to differences in terrain and weather patterns, as well as irregularity of enforcement. While Pennsylvania is closer to the bottom of the list, with… read more

All-terrain vehicle accidents can cause serious injury

Accidents involving vehicles of any kind can cause serious injuries, particularly to children. Car accidents involving various types of vehicles have become a problem in Pennsylvania. In 2009, over 130,000 United States emergency room visits were attributed to all-terrain vehicles, or ATVs. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, children under the age of 16… read more

Mother-to-be killed in Pittsburgh accident with elderly driver

Whenever a deadly crash occurs, authorities, as well as the family of the victim, will likely want to know what caused the accident. Lately, various individuals have been concerned about elderly drivers causing car accidents. Many people plan to drive until they die, but unfortunately, that is not always a safe option. One woman was… read more