
Chain reaction accident causes wrongful death in Pennsylvania

Most drivers, whether from Pennsylvania or another state, know what it’s like to get trapped in heavily congested traffic. Moving at irregular stop-and-go speeds in a long line of cars and tractor-trailers can be a dangerous way to travel. It is easy to see how a serious accident or even wrongful death could occur if… read more

Hospitals seek for ways to reduce medical errors

Thousands of Pennsylvania residents take prescription medication every day. Sometimes the medications are given on a routine basis while other times they are for a short duration to address a specific one-time problem. No matter the situation, the need to ensure safety for patients and avoid medication errors is great as these problems can lead… read more

Icy road likely culprit in fatal chain reaction crash

Three vehicles and a public works truck were involved in a chain reaction fatal car accident in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania recently, and though the authorities are not entirely sure what caused the crash, it seems that the weather may have had a role to play in the wreck. An investigation into the crash is ongoing. The… read more

Family of recent med school grad file malpractice claim

The rate of medical errors throughout the United States is something of grave concern to all. The right to obtain and trust in the accuracy of medical care is something that all Pennsylvania citizens should enjoy. The causes of medical malpractice claims include many things including the failure to diagnose, a surgical error, a birth… read more

Pennsylvania woman dies from treatable condition, lawsuit alleges

It’s not often that you hear of a medical malpractice lawsuit being filed against medical professionals on behalf of another doctor. That is exactly what the family of young Pennsylvania woman who died last year is doing, however. They claim failure to diagnose a simple medical condition caused the woman’s death. The 26-year-old medical school… read more

Birth injury lawsuit yields record breaking $55 million judgment

Many expectant mothers in Pittsburgh formally write or informally discuss a birthing plan with their OB/GYN. Things such as pain management, delivery method and the birth setting are often covered. As important as it is for both the patient and the healthcare provider to have an established plan, it is just as important for both… read more

Plane crash leaves 2 dead outside Gettysburg

For most people in Pennsylvania, the thought of flying in a plane is not frightening. Many people fly numerous times a year without incident, but there is always a risk of a plane crash, however small. Although most of the crashes we hear about are from small planes operated by recreational pilots, any kind of… read more

Surgical errors more common than patients might think

Stories involving surgical errors are often sensationalized in the media to the point that residents of Pittsburgh don’t believe it could actually happen to them. Surely, their physician wouldn’t perform a wrong-site surgery and amputate a leg. Many surgical errors never hit the headlines, however. Patients suffer from a wide variety of post-op problems that… read more

Pennsylvania lawsuit won over brain injury in baby boy

Most people do not have the means to treat their own medical needs. Pennsylvania families need to be able to trust medical professionals when they or someone they love needs care. Unfortunately, physicians and other caregivers can make mistakes and the results can be catastrophic. Sometimes these mistakes may even cause a traumatic brain injury… read more

New helmets can lessen chances of brain injury for athletes

There has been a lot of media coverage on sports injuries in recent months—specifically concussions and other brain injuries. A number of professional and collegiate athletes have filed lawsuits claiming that more should have been done both on and off the field to protect them from traumatic brain injury during the course of their play…. read more