
After six-year decline, car accident crash rate increases

A recent finding by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration may raise more questions than it answers. Specifically, NHTSA data indicates that motor vehicle accidents increased in 2012. The finding is especially disheartening considering that crash rates have been declining in the past six consecutive years. Researchers haven’t specifically identified a causal relationship between increased… read more

Teaching Methods changed to prevent more medical misdiagnosis

In a past post, we discussed how better patient-doctor communication in Pittsburgh can help prevent misdiagnosed cancer and other serious ailments. For instance, patients are encouraged to ask physicians why they arrived at a particular diagnosis and also if there is a possibility that the problem could be something else. Doctors are also being trained… read more

Widower seeks $300,000 in wrongful death lawsuit

No one deserves to get cancer; but everyone deserves a chance to fight the deadly disease when it invades their body. Unfortunately, not everyone gets that opportunity. While the exact survival statistics vary greatly based on what type of cancer a person has, one thing is constant: the sooner cancer is diagnosed, the better the… read more

Driver didn't think she would hit pedestrian while turning

When something happens while driving, many people instinctively make an excuse. When a driver hits a motorcyclist, he or she may say “I didn’t see him!” When one driver turns left in front of another driver going straight, he or she may say, “I thought I could make the turn!” The excuses are normal, but… read more

Failure to medicate and other deadly medication errors common

Most of the news stories about medication errors are focused on patients receiving too much of a particular prescription drug. This frequently occurs in hospitals, nursing homes and pharmacies. In some cases, however, not receiving a medication as prescribed can cause permanent disabilities or possibly even death. Our readers in Pittsburgh may be surprised to… read more

Landmark Dram Shop Verdict in Allegheny County

An Allegheny County jury this afternoon returned one of the largest civil verdicts in the history of Allegheny County in a case involving a drunk driver who was served alcohol at a local Elks club. The award of more than $28 million against the Elks Club Lodge No. 11 of Pittsburgh will grow to more… read more

4 injured, 3 killed in wrong-way accident in Mercer County

It is an absolute tragedy when someone is killed in a car accident, especially if the accident could have been prevented. Fatal car accidents affect more than just the person who was killed, but his or her family, friends and the community, too. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why family members choose to… read more

Number of adverse events linked to robotic surgeries on the rise

Robotic surgery is often touted as a better alternative to traditional surgery, giving doctors greater visibility and precision which translates to smaller incisions and less pain and discomfort for patients. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Surgical errors still occur when a physician uses a robotic devise to perform various procedures. Aggressive marketing by… read more

Birth injury lawsuit settled, family awarded $7.5 million

It is reasonable to expect that when you go to the hospital in Pittsburgh or anywhere else seeking medical help, you will get the attention that you need. Yet, that is not always the case. Medical professionals are often rushed or simply don’t comprehend the severity of a situation and discharge a patient without a… read more

Study reveals effect of sleep deprivation on surgeons

Over the years, there has been a lot of research done on the effects of sleep deprivation. It has been shown to slow down reflexes, impair judgment and cause a person to be more forgetful. The question regarding sleep deprivation that researchers set out to answer this time around: “Are surgeons more likely to make… read more