
Electronic health records implicated in medication type errors

The debate continues as to whether electronic health records do more harm than good. A recent study of the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Reporting System databases claims that thousands of medication and other types of errors are occurring due to use of the electronic records. The great majority of the errors did not result in any… read more

Outbreak of Hepatitis C blamed on surgeon

A jury awarded $524 million medical malpractice verdict to three individuals with at least two of the individuals stating that they had received Hepatitis C due to the unsanitary practices of a surgeon. It is claimed that a gastroenterologist reused vials of anesthesia and failed to sterilize equipment. It is also alleged that the practices… read more

Better communication means less medical malpractice

The research appears to be very simple: when doctors don’t listen to their patient, they also misdiagnose symptoms and illnesses. Also, miscommunications to patients can lead to a variety of complications as well: failure to follow directions, medical complications and medication errors. Even hospitals recognize the need for better communication between doctors and patients (though… read more

Teenage girl dies during wisdom tooth procedure

A 17-year old girl underwent wisdom teeth surgery, went into a coma and then died 10 days later. It is believed that the young girl’s brain was deprived of oxygen at the time that the surgery was going on and this resulted in the teenager suffering from brain damage. The girl’s mother has since filed… read more

Efforts made to limit elective early birth deliveries

Programs are in place to cut down on early elective births of children, but Pennsylvania seems to be behind on this trend. Elective birth deliveries in Pennsylvania remain as high as 26.2 percent. It is felt that too many doctors are scheduling deliveries for as early as the 37th week. The suggested guidelines are that… read more

Work shifts for doctors and medical mistakes

A study suggests that shorter shifts for doctors and other medical professionals may lead to more medical mistakes. Medical errors often occur during work shift changes because those just coming to work may not be as familiar with what has been going on regarding treatment of a patient. A Pennsylvania doctor co-authored a paper regarding… read more

Pennsylvania woman sues doctor over claimed surgical mistake

A Pennsylvania woman has brought a medical malpractice lawsuit against a physician asserting that a surgical error on his part has resulted in nerve damage, needless pain and suffering and the need for additional medical and surgical procedures. She described the injuries that she received as being severe and permanent in nature. Like so often… read more

Children and the prescribing of medications

There have long been concerns raised in Pennsylvania and across the nation regarding the overmedicating of young people, but not all doctors seemed to have received the message. There remains a push for doctors to provide young people with medications that are supposed to boost a child’s memory. This includes using stimulants that purportedly will… read more

Shortage of nurses may lead to surgical infections

A University of Pennsylvania study has produced an alarming statistic. Shortage of critical care nurses has been blamed in a large number of patient deaths. The researchers concluded that had Pennsylvania put into place a minimum nurse to patient ratio, more than 250 surgical deaths could have been prevented in 2010 alone. This figure is… read more

Studies demonstrate ways to reduce birth injuries at hospitals

According to the Director of Obstetric Services at the University of Pennsylvania, there are steps that can be taken by hospitals that would prevent birth injuries from occurring. In part, this involves employing staff members that can help in the coverage of obstetrics and various birth issues. Hospitals that employed such individuals saw as much… read more