
Birth injuries and medical malpractice caps

Medical caps seem to be part of the discussion anytime a medical malpractice case is filed. Though the claimed intent of these caps is to compensate only legitimate medical malpractice claims, what it has instead often led to is confusion as to how much such legitimate claims should be awarded. For example, a 4-year old… read more

Patient dies as result of anesthesia application

A Pennsylvania man with a history of heart disease was administered general anesthesia during cataract surgery and subsequently died. The eye doctor performing the surgery has now been sued for medical malpractice as a result of the man’s death. The allegations of the complaint suggest that the patient was a poor candidate for receiving this… read more

Doctors often reluctant to report medical mistakes

Federal requirements regarding the reporting of medical errors are apparently still open to interpretation. According to certain doctors, the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005 was passed to encourage physicians to report errors while at the same time be shielded from public disclosure of these errors. Yet certain states have issued court rulings… read more

Patient's untreated infection leads to amputations

A patient wakes up and discovers that his hands and legs have been amputated due to an infection called methicillan-sensitive staphylococcus aureus (MSSA). This infection was originally misdiagnosed and, because it was left untreated, eventually resulted in the need for the removal of the limbs. This patient has now brought a medical malpractice lawsuit against… read more

Woman's cervical cancer missed for number of years

Washington Hospital, located about 30 miles southwest of Pittsburgh, now finds itself in the center of a medical malpractice lawsuit. A former female patient claims a pathologist at the facility misread pap smears and other tests for close to five straight years before she finally was diagnosed with cervical cancer. The hospital has been reviewing… read more

Unnecessary mastectomy performed due to misdiagnosis

A woman was awarded $964,487 from her medical providers after a purported unnecessary mastectomy was performed upon her. This all came about due to tissue from a biopsy likely being misdiagnosed. A lump in the woman’s breast prompted what is referred to as a needle core biopsy. A pathologist reported that the tissue showed signs… read more

Doctor's stem cell procedure blamed for brain damage

A doctor recently testified at a medical malpractice trial about the actions of another physician. That physician apparently had removed bone marrow from one portion of the patient’s body and injected this marrow into woman’s circulatory system and brain. The testifying doctor apparently was shocked by what he heard, but the other physician let the… read more

Medical technology and medical errors

As medical science becomes more high tech, we also need to understand the risks that come along with this technology. One particular problem with such devices is that the timers on these devices do not always work in the way intended. One can only imagine the types of problems that may exist when medications are… read more

Electronic medical records have led to medical mistakes

Though keeping electronic medical records on file was designed to make hospitals more efficient and improve on the level of care, there can be a variety of problems with this sort of system as well. For example, the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center’s system recently crashed for a number of hours. Fortunately, the hospital had… read more

Why is the Wait so Long in the Emergency Room?

People often wonder why they wait so long to be treated in an emergency room even for a “simple” medical problem. There are a couple of things that influence how long it takes for a doctor to see you. The first thing that causes delays in the emergency room is simply the fact that too… read more