

As most know, Florida mom Casey Anthony recently escaped a murder conviction in the death of her young daughter, Caylee. Is that the end of the legal road for her? Many have asked the question whether she, like O. J. Simpson, will face a civil wrongful death suit. Probably not. First, let’s understand why it… read more

Ask the Doctor Questions!

Our firm spends a great deal of time doing medical malpractice cases involving things like surgical errors, delay in diagnosing cancer, birth injuries, etc., so it is only natural that clients and friends often ask us, “What can I do to prevent being a victim of malpractice?” Our answer to them is always the same:… read more

OSHA Comes Down Hard on U.S. Steel for July Explosion

An article in the January 14, 2011 Post Gazette indicates that OSHA has come down quite hard on U.S. Steel in regard to an explosion that occurred at their Clairton Coke Works in July 2010. Our office takes great interest in this because we are representing three of the people seriously burned in that industrial… read more

I Don't Believe in Lawsuits

One of the most common things people tell us during a first meeting is this: “I don’t believe in lawsuits, but let me tell you what happened to my wife (son, father, husband, daughter,… etc.).” We always chuckle privately when people say this because it illustrates this reality: No one likes lawyers or lawsuits until… read more

The Truth About The McDonald's Coffee Case

There probably has been no more talked about personal injury case in recent years than the so-called “McDonald’s coffee case,” the lawsuit filed by 79-year-old Stella Liebeck. Large corporations often cited this as an example of a “frivolous” lawsuit and why we should restrict the rights of consumers who are injured by accidents or defective… read more